First Presbyterian Guidelines for Worship during the Pandemic

At this time (August 2022), masks are encouraged regardless of vaccination status, but are not mandatory. Pastor Steve strongly recommends attendees wear a mask and offer special prayers for all those who might be suffering physically, mentally, or emotionally at this time (which probably includes everyone at this point!).

Masks are available at the church at all times. Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance to the sanctuary and fellowship hall.

Social distancing (maintaining an approximate distance of 6 feet) is encouraged when possible.


The Session hopes all in attendance will abide by these restrictions. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that these can be removed in the near future.

Other notes about our worship service:

The offering will be collected by asking you to place your gifts in the collection plate as you leave the sanctuary.

Pew Bibles may be removed from the sanctuary. If you wish to use a Bible, please bring your own.

We realize that these conditions may seem restrictive, but we believe they are necessary at this time for the safety of our church family. Please feel free to express your opinion of our worship conditions to any of our currently serving Elders or to Pastor Steve.

In addition, the Session now will allow other groups of our church to begin meeting at the discretion of their respective group leaders. The Session expects these groups to practice social distancing and other safe practices during their gatherings.